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Por csilva
boas pessoal
será que alguem me pode ajudar com uma coisinha no GTA EFLC?
tipo antes de o site ter sofrido alteraçoes, eu tinha perguntado se alguem conhecia algum trainer que desse para chamar carros (tipo o car spawer do GTA SA), e indicaram-me um muito bom.
so que entretanto o meu pc foi para formatar e perdi a informaçao toda que estava nele.
será que alguem me poderia indicar de novo o site desse trainer? pois era mesmo muito fixe mesmo :D

desde ja obrigado

so agora é que dei conta postei isto no sitio errado :S
sorry :S
Última edição por csilva em sexta jun 24, 2011 6:20 pm, editado 1 vez no total.
Por csilva
eu vi o que vosse me indicou e posso dizer que é este so que estou com problemas a instala-lo
será que me podiria ajudar na instalaçao? pois lembro-me de ter o mesmo problema na outra vez :S
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Por RoamPT
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Installation Instructions:
The trainer consists of six files, trainer.asi (trainer for GTAIV), trainertlad.asi (trainer for TLAD), trainertbogt (trainer for TBOGT), trainer.ini (GTAIV), trainertlad.ini (TLAD), trainertbogt.ini (TBOGT) and scripthook.dll. Trainer.ini isn't necessary for the trainer to function, but this file is used to customize various options. Note that you need to use the correct ini with the correct trainer. This way you can have game specific stuff in these trainers, the keybindings and defaults sections can be copied over, as they are the same).
If you decide not to utilize the ini files, the trainer will be using default values. Depending on what games you have installed you need to copy the files to a certain directory:
GTAIV Patch 6 + Patch 7 only: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). 
GTAIV version lower then patch 6:  trainer.asi, trainer.ini, scripthook.dll - OLD Patches into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows).  Rename Scripthook.dll ? OLD Patches to scripthook.dll.
GTAIV + TLAD as DLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). 
GTAIV + TBOGT as DLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). 
GTAIV + TLAD + TBOGT as DLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). 
EFLC only: trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll in the EFLC main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\EFLC on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\EFLC on X64 windows). 
GTAIV and EFLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows).  AND trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll in the EFLC main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\EFLC on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\EFLC on X64 windows).  Of course if IV is lower than patch 6, use the scripthook.dll ? OLD Patches and rename to scripthook.dll
You need to run the game as administrator if running Windows Vista or Windows 7.
I am including the scripthook.dll file, in case of a new patch, this file (and this file alone) needs to be updated, so if a new patch for GTAIV is released, you can check http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=390582 and download the redistributable, this will contain the scripthook.dll which then needs to be copied into the GTAIV directory. The Trainer.asi file doesn?t need to be updated.
You will need EITHER Alexander Blade's ASI loader (dsound.dll), or Listener's xliveless (xlive.dll) or Yaasil (dsound.dll) in order to run this. The ASI loader also needs to be copied into the GTAIV main directory. Be aware that you need to copy the ASI loader also to EFLC if you happen to have that version.

Asi Loader:
For the list of options refer to the next two pages of this readme, to customize various options refer to the last page of this readme.
Thanks to Alexander Blade, Listener and HazardX for their ASI loader, xliveless and Yaasil. Special thanks and credit should go to Aru, as without his C++ scripthook, I wouldn't be able to make this.  Also special thanks to Rappo for helping me out with the bodyguards. Thanks also to C06alt, for providing me with the code to display the Pigeons and weapon/health pickups on the map, and for helping with the disable phone option. Thanks to outoftimer for providing me with the 50 stunt jump locations, 2x50 Seagulls, the random Characters and the Liberty City Landmark locations. Thanks to Tim Riches, who provided me with a spreadsheet with 26.538 objects, which I use to verify object hashes entered in game (to prevent crashes when invalid object hashes are entered), it is also used to retrieve the name of spawned objects.  Big thanks to Atomic1 who helped me with testing the subway in MP and provided me with the code for the hydraulics. Finally big thanks for RSchuindt who updated the effects on most of the vehicles for nitro.
If you have problems, suggestions or want to check if an updated version is available, you can do so at: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=392973
Sjaak327, May 2011 Version 6.3
Por csilva
entao eu faço assim
na pasta mae do jogo coloco estes ficheiros
trainer.asi, trainer.ini, scripthook.dll
como diz aquilo que postas-te so que depois ele diz igualmente para meter isto
trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll
ha mesma na pasta mae do jogo. mesmo assim a patch nao arranca
tipo o meu GTA esta na pasta com este nome "Grand Theft Auto IV - Episodes From Liberty City" só
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Por RoamPT
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