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GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage já disponível

Entre no esquema com uma ex-agente desiludida e um agitado tripulante de submarino para roubar segredos militares, revelar a corrupção na IAA, recuperar obras de arte roubadas e acabar com uma empreitada bilionária em GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage.

Adquira um pedaço da história de Los Santos ao assumir a Fábrica de Roupas Darnell Bros e use as mais novas tecnologias clandestinas somadas às suas habilidades no crime para encarar os Dossiês do FIB – uma série de missões em várias partes. Além disso, limpe as ruas em novos Trabalhos de Despache de Justiceiro e muito mais.


Fábrica de Roupas Darnell Bros

A Fábrica de Roupas Darnell Bros já foi o palco do maior golpe em Los Santos. Agora, esse QG lendário está preparado para uma nova operação ilícita. A ex-agente do FIB Jodi Marshall, munida de rancor contra seus antigos empregadores e de acesso clandestino à rede de dados deles, está pronta para atacar as maiores autoridades do estado.

A Jodi arrancou o timoneiro Pavel das profundezas e quer somar seus acessos e habilidades técnicas à perícia dele em contrabando e ao seu talento para o crime para executar uma série de golpes grandiosos e tecnológicos contra os super ricos da cidade e o complexo militar-industrial.

Atenda à ligação do Pavel e vá até a Fábrica de Roupas em East Los Santos (ou use o site do Maze Bank Foreclosures no jogo) para começar.


A Fábrica de Roupas também vem equipada com uma Oficina de Armas Mk II, dormitório, um cofre de renda passiva, 10 vagas para guardar veículos pessoais e mais.

A garagem do subsolo da Fábrica de Roupas também dá acesso às vias subterrâneas da cidade, o que permite ir ou voltar rapidamente da estação Burton, da estação Del Perro, do metrô de La Mesa, da estação do estacionamento do Aeroporto de LS e da parada de caminhoneiro de Tataviam. Esses lugares discretos só são marcados no mapa se você se aproximar, então usar um ponto de interesse para marcá-los pode ajudar você a se deslocar com eficiência.




Dossiês do FIB

Depois das apresentações, de conhecer o espaço da fábrica e de instalar o aplicativo da Darnell Inc. no seu iFruit, você terá acesso aos Dossiês do FIB. A Jodi quer contar com as suas habilidades para pegar alguns artigos valiosos e vendê-los a compradores interessados em Los Santos.

Aperfeiçoe suas habilidades de hacker, espionagem e sabotagem técnica em quatro novas empreitadas de várias etapas enquanto derruba um avião protegido pela IAA, rouba tecnologia militar do Fort Zancudo, executa uma invasão discreta para recuperar obras de arte perdidas e se infiltra na reserva secreta do Maze Bank.

Dica: baixar o aplicativo da Darnell Inc. adicionará um novo ícone à tela principal do seu iFruit. Se você estiver procurando os ícones de Início Rápido ou Configurações, acesse a segunda página dos seus aplicativos.

Uma missão específica será designada como Dossiê Prioritário com um pagamento maior de GTA$ que só poderá ser concluído uma vez por semana.

Prepare-se para esses golpes e conclua seus Finais para ganhar GTA$ e objetos para decorar sua mesa na Fábrica de Roupas. Conclua desafios opcionais das missões que põem à prova sua capacidade de agir sob pressão para receber GTA$ bônus e novas recompensas do Progresso da Carreira.


Novas Melhorias do Terrorbyte

Graças a uma combinação criativa de espionagem e chantagem, a Jodi pode adicionar diversas novas melhorias ao Benefactor Terrorbyte, que agora também pode ser guardado na Fábrica de Roupas. A Tecnologia do FIB oferece modificações exclusivas que trazem novos recursos, como gerenciar esquemas, encontrar colecionáveis com mais facilidade e evitar detecções, incluindo:

- Scanner de Colecionáveis: Ativar o scanner ao dirigir o seu Terrorbyte irá revelar a localização de colecionáveis próximos, como Cartas de Baralho, Figuras de Ação, Plantas de Peiote, Jammers de Sinal, Objetos Cenográficos, Dispositivos de Mídia, Produtos LD Organics, Naufrágios e Pacotes do G.
- Terminal de Controle Geral: Gerencie o estoque, os suprimentos, o armazém de veículos e as cargas dos seus esquemas em um novo Terminal de Controle Geral instalado no seu Terrorbyte.
- Jammer de Mísseis Teleguiados: Evite que os outros jogadores travem a mira neste veículo a qualquer momento.
- Corrida Silenciosa: O ícone do Terrorbyte será removido do radar e do mapa dos jogadores que não fazem parte da equipe do dono sempre que ele estiver parado.

Obter a Fábrica de Roupas desbloqueia essas novas melhorias de Terrorbyte, então obtenha o seu próprio caminhão de operações – disponível na Warstock Cache & Carry para qualquer pessoa que ainda não tenha essa temível fortaleza tecnológica sobre rodas.


Novos veículos: Bravado Banshee GTS e mais

Um comboio de novos veículos está chegando com Agents of Sabotage, incluindo uma nova adição à renomada linha Banshee da Bravado – o Banshee GTS. A versão mais recente do célebre roadster está disponível de graça para membros do GTA+ até 8 de janeiro. O Chavos V6, o novo sedan da confiável frota da Dinka, também está disponível na Southern San Andreas Super Autos.

A compatibilidade com jammer de mísseis teleguiados foi adicionada a 50 veículos populares, incluindo determinados veículos policiais, o Pegassi Zentorno (Super) e uma seleção de veículos que está de volta ao catálogo da Legendary Motorsport – o Annis RE-7B (Super), o Annis S80RR (Super) e o Ocelot XA-21 (Super). Aplique essa Tecnologia da Imani na Oficina de Veículos da Agência ou na Oficina de Veículos do Clube Vinewood se você for membro do GTA+.

Vários veículos voltaram ao catálogo da Legendary Motorsport e da Southern San Andreas Super Autos, incluindo o Benefactor Stirling GT (Esportivo Clássico).


Novo Jester RR Widebody personalizado

Quem estiver à procura de um novo veículo personalizado com um visual impressionante não vai querer perder o novo Dinka Jester RR Widebody (Esportivo), com modificações, melhorias, rodas e outros itens personalizados pré-instalados pela equipe de modificações esportivas da Dinka. À venda na concessionária Luxury Autos e no site da Legendary Motorsport, o Dinka Jester RR Widebody é um clássico reimaginado e repaginado das rodas ao teto.

Novos veículos de autoridade

Tire o crime das ruas com versões policiais do robusto Canis Terminus Patrol e do potente Vapid Caracara Pursuit. Assim como no caso dos outros veículos não convencionais da LSPD, você vai precisar falar com o Vincent para concluir Dinheiro Limpo como parte da Invasão ao Aviário Cluckin' Bell como líder para desbloquear esses veículos. Conclua as novas missões de Trabalhos de Despache para desbloquear o preço de fábrica deles.



Novos Trabalhos de Despache

Limpar as ruas exige os equipamentos adequados. O Vincent precisa da sua ajuda em duas novas missões de Trabalhos de Despache, incluindo resgatar um informante infiltrado e confiscar uma operação de narcóticos feita na traseira de um food truck. Além de inibir o crime local, concluir essas missões irá desbloquear os descontos de preço de fábrica dos veículos de autoridade que estão chegando.

Talvez você perceba agentes da LSPD à frente de uma iniciativa de trabalho comunitário com vistosas versões lowrider e de supercarro das viaturas em vizinhanças sob risco como parte de uma iniciativa para impulsionar o recrutamento. Roubar dos policiais e despistá-los é uma ótima maneira de testar esses novos veículos de autoridade antes que eles possam ser comprados nas próximas semanas.


Recompensas do Desafio de Golpes

Como recompensa por atingir a meta de GTA$20 trilhões no Desafio de Golpes, qualquer pessoa que tiver concluído um Final de Golpe válido entre 7 de novembro e 4 de dezembro receberá o Traje NOOSE, e a Predator Policial (Lancha) pode ser resgatada de graça por todos os jogadores na Warstock até 15 de dezembro.

E vem mais por aí...

Fique de olho nas novidades, incluindo presentes comemorativos das festas de fim de ano, a chegada de novas Corridas Acrobáticas com um toque de Ano-Novo Lunar, novas Corridas de Drift, o novo Fuzil Militar El Strickler para jogadores no PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X|S, mais ferramentas de Corridas Metamorfose chegando ao Criador Rockstar e muito mais.

Como parte desta atualização, estamos implementando uma nova série de melhorias de experiência, tais como aumentos permanentes no pagamento de Corridas de Drift e Arrancada e reposição automática do Colete Balístico ao iniciar (e reiniciar) missões. Os jogadores que dirigem veículos de autoridade agora também podem alternar entre opções de sirene. Confira essas e outras notas de atualização no Suporte da Rockstar e fique por dentro com o Boletim da Rockstar para saber mais sobre tudo relacionado ao GTA Online.

Versão em Ingles:
GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage Now Available

Go underground with a disgruntled ex-operative and an excitable submariner to steal military secrets, uncover IAA corruption, retrieve stolen art, and bust a billion-dollar enterprise in GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage.

Own a piece of Los Santos history by taking over the Darnell Bros Garment Factory, and employ the latest clandestine technology alongside your criminal know-how to take on The FIB Files — a series of new multi-part scores. Plus, clean up the streets in new vigilante Dispatch Work, and much more.


Darnell Bros Garment Factory

Once upon a time, Darnell Bros Garment Factory was home to the greatest heist Los Santos had ever known. Now, this legendary HQ is prepped for a brand-new shadow operation. Former FIB agent Jodi Marshall, armed with a grudge against her former employers and backdoor access to their data network, is ready to hit every major authority in the state.

Jodi’s dragged Helmsman Pavel out of the depths and is looking to combine her access and technical skills with his smuggling proficiency and your criminal acumen to execute a series of high-stakes, high-tech scores targeting the city’s super-rich and the military-industrial complex.

Answer Pavel’s call, then visit the Garment Factory in East Los Santos (or use the Maze Bank Foreclosures in-game website) to get started.


The Garment Factory also comes equipped with a Mk II Weapon Workshop, Personal Quarters, a passive income safe, 10 Personal Vehicle storage slots, and more.

The Garment Factory Basement Garage also provides access to the city’s underground pathways, allowing you to quickly travel to and from Burton Station, Del Perro Station, La Mesa Subway, LSIA Parking Station, and the Tataviam Truckstop. These off-radar spots are only marked on your map if you get close, so dropping a Point of Interest on them could help you move around efficiently.




The FIB Files

Once you’ve made introductions, toured the factory space, and have the Darnell Inc. app installed on your iFruit, you’ll have access to the FIB Files. Jodi requires your expertise to snatch up some valuables to sell to interested buyers around Los Santos.

Master your hacking, infiltrating, and technical sabotage skills in four new multi-stage endeavors as you bring down an IAA-protected aircraft, steal military tech from under Fort Zancudo, execute a stealth break-in to recover missing artwork, and penetrate Maze Bank’s secret slush fund.

TIP: Downloading the Darnell Inc. app will add a new icon to your iFruit home screen. If you’re looking for Quick Join or Settings, flip to the second page of your apps.

A select assignment will be designated a Priority File with an increased GTA$ payout that can only be completed once weekly.

Prep for these scores and then complete the Finale to earn GTA$ and trinkets to adorn your desk inside the Garment Factory. Complete optional mission challenges that test your ability to perform under pressure for bonus GTA$ and new Career Progress rewards.


New Terrorbyte Upgrades

Thanks to a creative blend of espionage and blackmail, Jodi can add several new upgrades to the Benefactor Terrorbyte, which is also now storable inside the Garment Factory. Bureau Tech gives you exclusive mods that will introduce new features such as managing businesses, easily finding certain collectibles, and staying undetectable, including:

- Collectible Scanner: Activating the scanner when driving as the owner of the Terrorbyte will reveal the locations of nearby collectibles, including Playing Cards, Action Figures, Peyote Plants, Signal Jammers, Movie Props, Media Sticks, LD Organics Products, Shipwrecks, and G’s Cache.
- Master Control Terminal: Manage your businesses’ stock and supplies, vehicle storage, and cargo from a new Master Control Terminal installed inside your Terrorbyte.
- Missile Lock-On Jammer: Prevent other players from locking on to this vehicle at any time.
- Silent Running: The Terrorbyte’s blip will be removed from the radar and map for any players unaffiliated with the owner anytime it is stationary.

Owning the Garment Factory unlocks these new upgrades for the Terrorbyte so make sure you’ve got your own command truck — available from Warstock Cache & Carry for anyone yet to procure this menacing rolling tech fortress.


New Vehicles: Bravado Banshee GTS and More

There is a convoy of new vehicles arriving in Agents of Sabotage, including a new addition to Bravado’s storied Banshee line — the Banshee GTS. The latest version of the beloved two-door roadster is free to claim for GTA+ Members through January 8. Also available at Southern San Andreas Super Autos is the Chavos V6, a new Sedan addition to Dinka’s reliable fleet.

Missile Lock-On Jammer compatibility has been added to 50 popular vehicles, including select Law Enforcement Vehicles, the Pegassi Zentorno (Super), and select rides returning to Legendary Motorsport’s inventory — the Annis RE-7B (Super), Annis S80RR (Super), and Ocelot XA-21 (Super). Apply this Imani Tech at your Agency Vehicle Workshop or in The Vinewood Club Garage’s Vehicle Workshop if you are a GTA+ Member.

Several vehicles are returning to the available inventory at Legendary Motorsport and Southern San Andreas Super Autos, including the Benefactor Stirling GT (Sports Classic).


New Custom Jester RR Widebody

Those in the market for a new custom ride with stunning looks won’t want to miss the new Dinka Jester RR Widebody (Sports), pre-stocked by Dinka’s sports modification team with custom mods, upgrades, wheels, and more. Now on sale in the Luxury Autos showroom and the Legendary Motorsport website, the Dinka Jester RR Widebody is a reimagining of a classic, reupholstered from the tires up.

New Law Enforcement Vehicles

Run crime off the road with law enforcement versions of the brawny Canis Terminus Patrol and muscular Vapid Caracara Pursuit. As with the other off-the-grid LSPD vehicles, you’ll need to speak to Vincent to complete Slush Fund as part of The Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid as leader to unlock these rides. Completing the new Dispatch Work missions will unlock their Trade Prices.



New Dispatch Work

Cleaning up the streets requires the right equipment. Vincent’s got two new Dispatch Work missions he needs help with, including rescuing an undercover informant and repossessing a drug operation running out of the back of a food truck. In addition to curbing local crime, completing these missions will unlock Trade Price discounts for upcoming Law Enforcement Vehicles.

You might notice LSPD officers leading a new community outreach initiative, showing off their sparkling lowrider and supercar variants of patrol cars in at-risk neighborhoods as part of an effort to drum up recruitment. Successfully stealing and outmaneuvering the pursuing officers is a great way of trying out these new Law Enforcement Vehicles before they’re made available for purchase in the coming weeks.


The Heist Challenge Rewards

As reward for successfully hitting the GTA$20 TRILLION target in the Heist Challenge, anyone who completed an eligible Heist Finale between November 7 and December 4 will receive the NOOSE Outfit, while the Police Predator (Boat) is now free to claim for all players from Warstock through December 15.

And More to Come...

Look out for lots more, including festive gifts for the holiday season, the arrival of new Stunt Races with a Lunar New Year twist, new Drift Races, the new El Strickler Military Rifle for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S players, additional Transform Race tools coming to the Rockstar Creator, and much more.

As part of this update, we’re implementing another round of experience improvements, including permanently boosting payouts for Drift and Drag Races, and automatically granting Body Armor when launching (and relaunching) missions. Players driving Law Enforcement Vehicles can also now toggle through siren options. Check out these and other update notes at Rockstar Support, and stay up to date with everything going on in GTA Online at the Newswire.

(Anúncios anteriores)
Jodi Marshall é uma ex-agente do FIB que se rebelou e guarda muito rancor dos ex-empregadores. Ela ainda tem um acesso secreto aos arquivos do FIB e vai tirar proveito de informações privilegiadas para ganho pessoal.

Adquira a Fábrica de Roupas Darnell Bros – o lugar onde planos para executar alguns dos crimes mais lendários de Los Santos nasceram – para usá-la como um centro de operações clandestinas em GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage.

Junte-se à Jodi e a um velho conhecido: seu timoneiro Pavel do Golpe de Cayo Perico. Juntos, vocês vão usar tecnologias clandestinas de ponta para faturar alto em cima dos poderes mais top da cidade nessa atualização do GTA Online repleta de ação.

Em Ingles:
Former FIB operative turned rogue agent Jodi Marshall has a serious grudge against her former handlers. She’s maintained backdoor access to the Bureau’s files, and is not above exploiting this privileged information for personal gain.

Take ownership of the Darnell Bros Garment Factory — where plans for some of Los Santos’ most legendary crimes have been hatched — and use it as a covert ops installation in GTA Online: Agents of Sabotage.

Partner with Jodi, in addition to a familiar face, your first mate Pavel from The Cayo Perico Heist. Together, you’ll utilize the latest clandestine tech to zero in on some of the city’s preeminent scores in this thrilling new GTA Online update..


A famosa Fábrica de Roupas Darnell Bros de fachada está sob nova direção. Com a ajuda do Pavel e de uma ex-agente do FIB que passou a agir por conta própria, você vai converter a fábrica em um novo centro de operações de infiltração clandestina onde poderá iniciar uma série de novos roubos estratégicos e emocionantes. Você poderá acessá-los no terminal de computador dentro da Fábrica de Roupas ou remotamente em um novo app no seu iFruit.

Para: Jodi
Tipo: Mini Golpe
Jogadores: 1 - 4

Custo Setup: $20,000

  • Caixa-Preta (Black Box): $155.000
  • Força Bruta (Brute Force): $316.000
  • Belas Artes (Fine Arts): $153.000
  • Project Breakaway: $150.000

  • Dossiê Caixa-Negra (The Black Box File)
    • Dispositivo de hack (Hacking Device)
    • Equipamento de Sonar (Sonar Equipment)
    • Aeronave Armada (Weaponized Aircraft)
    • Dossiê Caixa-Negra (Final) (The Black Box File Finale)
  • Dossiê Força Bruta (The Brute Force File)
    • Equipamento de milícia (Private Military Armor)
    • Kit de Espionagem (Infiltration Equipment)
    • Chave-Mestra (Override Key)
    • Dossiê Força Bruta (Final) (The Brute Force File Finale)
  • Dossiê Belas Artes (The Fine Art File)
    • Explosivos de PEM (EMP Charges)
    • Transporte (Approach Vehicle)
    • Reconhecimento Facial (Facial Recognition)
    • Dossiê Belas Artes (Final) (The Fine Art File Finale)
  • Dossiê Project Breakaway (The Project Breakaway File)
    • Rastreamento (Mobile Tracking)
    • Cargas Térmicas (Thermal Charges)
    • Malware (Encryption Bypass)
    • Dossiê Project Breakaway (Final) (The Project Breakaway File Finale)

    Personagens Novas
    • Jodi Marshall
    • Guadaloupe Romero
    • Ray Trotman
    • Contacto de Jodi Marshall
    • Contacto de Pavel
    • Eberhard Security
    • Oscar Guzman
    Personagens Retornadas
    • Pavel
    • Vincent Effenburger
    • Jorge (GTA Online)
    • Comprador de Arte
    • Lamar Davis

    Viaturas com preços de fabrica (Trade Prices):

    (Desbloqueados apos completar a primeira missão da Invasão ao Aviario Cluckin Bell (Cluckin Bell Farm Raid) como lider, mais uma missão dos trabalhos de Despache (Dispatch Work))
    • Caracara Pursuit - Obstruction of Justice{/b]
    • Terminus Patrol - Health Code Violations

    Novos Veículos:

    Disponível para compra imediata

    • Imagem
    • Bravado Banshee GTS

    • Vapid Caracara Pursuit

    • Dinka Chavos V6

    • Dinka Jester RR Widebody

    • Canis Terminus Patrol

    Conversões Drift Tune de veículos existentes
    • RUNE Cheburek (Drift Tune)
    • Karin Futo (Drift Tune)
    • Dinka Jester Classic (Drift Tune)

    Apenas para missão

    • Imagem
    • Freight Train (Well car 3)

    • Youga Custom (Hunting Pack)

      Desbloqueado como parte das Semanas de Evento

    • Invetero Coquette D5

    • Invetero Coquette D10 Pursuit

    • Buckingham DH-7 Iron Mule

    • Western Company Duster 300-H

    • Vapid Firebolt ASP


    El Strickler[/color]

    • Foram adicionadas 2 novos Trabalhos de Despache
      • Health Code Violations
      • Obstruction of Justice
    • A Armadura é reposta no inicio de cada golpe
    • A garagem de Vinewood tem a posibilidade de aceder a modificaçoes nos carros do Hao, Bennys e Evento de Carros LS (LS Car Meet)
    • Foram repostos 20 veiculos previamente retirados dos sites de venda. Todos estes veiculos juntam-se á lista de 50 novos veiculos a poderem ser equipados com um Jammer de Misseis
      Legendary Motorsport
      • 9F
      • 9F Cabrio
      • Baller LE
      • Baller LE (Armored)
      • Cognoscenti 55
      • Cognoscenti 55 (Armored)
      • Comet SR
      • Cyclone
      • Infernus
      • Locust
      • Neo
      • RE-7B
      • S80RR
      • Savestra
      • Stinger GT
      • Stirling GT
      • Tigon
      • XA-21
      • Z-Type
      • Zorrusso

      Southern San Andreas Super Autos
      • Bati 801RR
      • Buffalo S
      • Cheburek
      • Double T
      • Sanchez
      • Sanchez (livery)
    • Os jogadores deixaram de estar visíveis no radar quando estiverem a alterar um carro
    • OS Nano Drones irão subir automaticamente se estiverem muito perto do chão
    • O Pfister Growler e o Lampadati Tropos Rallye receberam novas pinturas, anteriormente adicionadas com a atualização Bottom Dollar Bounties.
    • As marcas "La'oub Princess" pintadas nos lados do navio de carga La'oub Princess foram cobertas.
    • Alguns personagens nos negócios do jogador, como Rooster McCraw e Lupe, agora falam novamente quando são abordados ou quando se afastam.

    Patch Notes Completos 1.70
    GTA Online Agents of Sabotage Patch Notes 1.70: Notas Completa do Patch

    Darnell Bros Garment Factory
    Purchasing the Garment Factory from Maze Bank Foreclosures opens up The FIB Files, a series of new multi-stage scores where you’ll master your hacking, infiltrating, and technical sabotage skills. You’ll also get access to Bureau Tech upgrades for the Terrorbyte, and a number of other amenities:
    Garment Factory owners can complete new FIB Files, sourced via new contact Jodi and launched from either a computer or via the new Darnell Inc. phone app in Freemode
    Each week the Priority File can be completed once for an increased reward
    Jodi’s connections also grant Garment Factory owners access to a suite of Bureau Tech upgrades for an owned Terrorbyte:
    Master Control Terminal – Allows access to a range of owned businesses from the rear of the Terrorbyte
    Collectible Scanner – Nearby collectibles will be displayed while driving the Terrorbyte
    Silent Running – While stationary, the Terrorbyte will be removed from the map for other players
    Missile Lock-On Jammer
    The Garment Factory grants 10 additional vehicle storage spaces in the basement
    The Garment Factory basement grants underground access to various exit points spread around Los Santos that can also be used to enter the Garment Factory while in Freemode
    Garment Factory staff will gradually accumulate additional income, adding cash to the owner’s safe
    This property will come with new Awards as well as Career Progress Challenges on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles
    Additional Dispatch Works
    New Dispatch Work has been added to the existing pool that can be accessed while driving an owned Law Enforcement personal vehicle in Freemode
    Dispatch Work cannot be accessed when part of an Organization or Motorcycle Club
    Six new vehicles have been added:

    Bravado Banshee GTS (Sports) – With Hao’s Special Works Upgrade (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S)
    Dinka Jester RR Widebody (Sports)
    Karin Chavos V6 (Sedan)
    Canis Terminus Patrol (Emergency) – Law Enforcement Vehicle
    Vapid Caracara Pursuit (Emergency) – Law Enforcement Vehicle
    Police Predator (Boat)
    Also Read: GTA Online Agents of Sabotage: All Unreleased Vehicles

    The following vehicles are returning for general sale and can now be upgraded with the Imani-Tech Missile Lock-On Jammer upgrade inside an owned Agency Workshop:

    Available via the Legendary Motorsports website:

    Annis RE-7B
    Gallivanter Baller LE
    Gallivanter Baller LE (Armored)
    Benefactor Stirling GT
    Pfister Comet SR
    Grotti Stinger GT
    Pegassi Infernus
    Enus Cognoscenti 55
    Enus Cognoscenti 55 (Armored)
    Obey 9F
    Obey 9F Cabrio
    Annis Savestra
    Ocelot XA-21
    Annis S80RR
    Truffade Z-Type
    Pegassi Zorrusso
    Lampadati Tigon
    Coil Cyclone
    Vysser Neo
    Ocelot Locust
    Available via the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website:

    Pegassi Bati 801RR
    Maibatsu Sanchez (Livery)
    Maibatsu Sanchez
    RUNE Cheburek
    Dinka Double T
    Bravado Buffalo S
    PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S Exclusive Weapon
    GTA+ Members will gain early access to a new weapon, the El Strickler, which can be claimed from the Gun Van for free
    The El Strickler will be made available for general purchase at a later date
    Economy Updates
    Base GTA$ payout rates for both Drag and Drift Races have been increased
    More than 100 pieces of male clothing have been added to clothing stores
    More than 100 pieces of female clothing have been added to clothing stores
    One new male and one new female hairstyle have been added to barber shops
    Experience Improvements
    Several changes have been made to GTA Online as part of this update.

    Owned Law Enforcement Vehicles can now activate Emergency Lighting independently from Sirens
    When launching certain missions, like Salvage Yard Robberies, Project Overthrow, or The First Dose and The Last Dose from Los Santos Drug Wars, players will be granted one unit of Body Armor to use (based on highest quality unlocked)
    A range of updates have been made to the Passed Out VIP and Troublemaker events that can occur in owned Nightclubs:
    Both events can now occur while in Passive Mode, however players will need to leave Passive Mode to interact with them
    The spook threshold of the Passed Out VIP has been increased, allowing players to drive at higher speeds
    PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S players will now receive Help Text if they have any unclaimed Career Progress Rewards
    A new Safety and Alerts space has been added in the Pause > Online menu
    Added new notifications that appear for remote players when a player is suspended from voice or text chat while in session
    Players will now see Help Text alerting them how to turn off PC text chat when first sending or receiving a message
    GTA+ Updates
    The Vinewood Club App

    GTA+ Members can now claim any Destroyed Vehicles for free via the in-game Vinewood Club phone app
    The Vinewood Club Garage

    GTA+ Members can now access the following options from inside The Vinewood Club Garage:
    Hao’s Special Workshop Upgrades
    Benny’s Original Motor Works Supermod Upgrades
    Drift Tuning Upgrades
    Arena War Headlights
    Creator Updates
    Several updates have been added to the Race Creator as part of this update.

    Race Creator

    The default catchup setting for newly created races is now set to Advanced Medium
    Creators of races can now choose what the default catchup setting of their race will be in lobbies
    A setting has been added to the Stunt Race Creator that allows players to choose weather settings in lobbies
    The Agents of Sabotage update brings a range of fixes to various issues.

    Game Stability and Performance

    Fixed multiple crashes and issues affecting stability that occurred in GTAV
    Matchmaking and Networking

    Fixed multiple issues that affected network stability in GTA Online

    Fixed an issue that resulted in PC players crashing with a corrupt game data error if voice chat was enabled
    Fixed an issue that resulted in The Prison Break Heist Finale failing unexpectedly
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to claim the Ocelot Virtue after completing all First and Last Dose missions
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to complete the ‘Source all types of Special Items’ Career Progress Challenge for Further Adventures in Finance and Felony
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to complete ‘The Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid’ Platinum Award
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being awarded the Gooch outfit when expected
    Fixed multiple issues affecting Assault on ATT-16
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players not progressing through ‘Planning Work: Elevator Key’ during The Union Depository Contract
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the health bar of the transporter not updating during The Superdollar Deal Contract
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Playlist Rank Best First’ Starting Grid option not functioning as intended
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Advanced Catchup’ setting not functioning as intended
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to fly an owned Thruster into the hold of their Avenger while it hovers
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck while putting targets in handcuffs during Bounty missions
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the weapon wheel during Repo – Sasquatched
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players becoming out of sync during Last Dose 2 – Unusual Suspects
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck during Last Dose 5 – BDKD, preventing progression
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Drag Race leaderboards not updating as expected
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Jenette sending the same target image multiple times during Bounty missions
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck during Bounty missions
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the convoy stopping unexpectedly during Most Wanted – Thompson Fixed an issue that resulted in the player teleporting unexpectedly during Most Wanted – Thompson
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being shown securing the target underwater during Most Wanted – Thompson
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Brock Thompson spawning under the map and shooting players during Most Wanted – Thompson
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players briefly seeing under the map during Most Wanted – Lieberman
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being placed in vehicles when expected during Most Wanted – Garcia
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the wrong vehicle being used during Most Wanted – Garcia
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Nightclub troublemakers appearing briefly after being kicked out
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Treasure Hunt introduction email not being sent to players while in Freemode
    Fixed an issue that resulted in The Bogdan Problem – Setup: Rescue ULP failing unexpectedly
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Street Dealers moving unexpectedly
    Fixed an issue that resulted in SFX looping while playing Story Mode Parachute Jumps
    Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies not spawning and preventing progression during The Prison Break Finale
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the radar disappearing during the Nightlife Leak
    Fixed an issue that resulted in muggers interrupting Nightclub DJ missions, preventing progression Fixed an issue that resulted in objects not appearing during Liquidize Assets missions
    Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies not appearing on the radar during The Cayo Perico Heist Finale
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Pavel not sending the safe combination to players during The Cayo Perico Heist Finale, preventing progression
    Fixed an issue that resulted in P Moss not entering the Avenger at the start of Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare, preventing progression
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Avenger flying away from players during Project Overthrow – Unconventional Warfare, preventing progression
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Avenger appearing in the wrong place during Project Overthrow – Falling in
    Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies respawning unexpectedly during Project Overthrow – Falling In
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to intimidate the golfer during The Contract – On Course
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Brickade spawning in the wrong place during First Dose 6 – Off The Rails
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players respawning constantly during First Dose 4 – Uncontrolled Substance, preventing progression
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck under the Facility during The Doomsday Scenario – Marked Cash
    Fixed an issue that resulted in no music playing during the High Society Leak
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning under the map during Assault on Cayo Perico
    Fixed an issue that resulted in teams being given the incorrect match result during Arena War – Carnage
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the client not entering the escape vehicle during Special Vehicle Work – Escape Escort, preventing progression
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the time of day being updated unexpectedly during MC Deathmatches
    Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies struggling to attack players in the Smuggler – Steal Cargo mission
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Drag Race leaderboard displaying incorrect GTA$ rewards when playing multiple rounds
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being wrongly considered AFK during Drag Races, denying them rewards
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Drift Race leaderboards appearing out of sync for multiple players
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Random Transform leaderboards containing information in the wrong columns.
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to use the Axe of Fury Arcade Machine
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the online leaderboard for a Job while in the lobby

    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck inside the Bail Office holding cell
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to drive personal vehicles inside the Bail Office
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Jenette’s phone screen copying the player’s phone screen inside the Bail Office
    Fixed an issue that resulted in secured targets not appearing in the Bail Office holding cell
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Bottom Dollar Bounties ‘Step Two: Profit’ Platinum Award not unlocking
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to leave properties while On Call
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to enter the Bail Office in a non-personal vehicle Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when moving to the cab of the Terrorbyte inside an owned Nightclub
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the Personal Interaction menu after entering another player’s apartment
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to enter an owned Hangar while in a Pegasus aircraft
    Fixed an issue that resulted in some inputs losing functionality after entering an owned Hangar with a Pegasus aircraft
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when driving their Acid Lab into the Freakshop Fixed an issue that resulted in the Motorcycle Club introduction playing incorrectly

    Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple drift-tuned vehicles missing updated camera functionality
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the emergency lights on the Bravado Greenwood Cruiser not functioning
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players adding Turbo tuning to the Överflöd Pipistrello
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being kicked from a session for being idle while modifying vehicles
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Ghosts Exposed Albany Brigham livery being removed from players’ unlocks
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the camera moving erratically when aiming out the side of various helicopters
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the RM-10 Bombushka’s armor upgrade levels being scaled incorrectly
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to claim destroyed vehicles from Mors Mutual Insurance
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the drift tune upgrade price for the Übermacht Sentinel Classic Widebody being incorrect
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck while modifying their vehicle inside the LS Car Meet
    Fixed an issue that resulted in spoiler prices being changed unexpectedly while modifying a vehicle inside the LS Car Meet
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players not modifying their Avenger inside an owned Facility

    Fixed an issue that resulted in highway paddles not bending as expected when being walked or driven over
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ crew ranks being incorrectly displayed as level one
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ preferred default action choices not persisting
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Battle Rifle having a black outline around it on the weapon wheel
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to store the Candy Cane or Snowball Launcher weapons inside Gun Lockers
    Fixed an issue that resulted in weapons that had been hidden via the Gun Locker appearing during missions
    Fixed an issue that resulted in custom Gun Locker Loadouts being overridden when collecting dropped weapons
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Mechanic not delivering personal vehicles to the LS Car Meet
    Fixed an issue that resulted in personal vehicles being delivered far away from the player when requested while on Elysian Island
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in the LS Car Meet Test Track after entering on foot
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck dancing inside The Music Locker
    Xbox Specific

    Fixed an issue that resulted in some players being unable to connect to GTA Online on Xbox Series X|S
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving property invites from other players
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to accept an invite from other players
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players with insufficient permissions for online play were not directed to the Xbox store when trying to access GTA Online
    PC Specific

    Fixed numerous issues relating to stability and security
    PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S Only

    Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to navigate through the Career Progress menu
    Fixed an issue that resulted in the Tier 1 Original Heists challenge requiring a High-End or Custom Apartment not unlocking when expected

    Fixed an issue that resulted in empty options appearing inside the Survival Creator
    Fixed an issue that resulted in numerous driver units not functioning as expected
    Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect instructions being given during the Deathmatch Creator Tutorial
    Fixed an issue that resulted in Community Series Jobs being credited to Rockstar Created instead of the original creator
    Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality when testing a mode in the Creator

Última edição por demosethell em segunda dez 16, 2024 3:23 pm, editado 6 vezes no total.[…] Voc[…][…][…]

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