Max Payne 1, Max Payne 2 & Max Payne 3.
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A grande Lenda James McCaffrey que deu voz e carácter ao Max Payne deixou-nos a December 17, 2023. Quem jogou Max Payne recorda bem da voz que deu vida ao Max Payne, um dos carácteres mais famosos na indústria de videojogos.

They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over.
- Max Payne

James McCaffrey deu a voz em bastantes projectos, Max Payne 1, 2 e 3, Alan Wake II, Alone in the Dark, Control. A Rockstar e a Remedy ambas deixaram algumas palavras no Twitter em homenagem a James. Qua[…][…][…]

[MISSÃO] Na Cola (Hunting Pack)[…]

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