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Por NikoTuga
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Starting today, Grand Theft Auto V is officially available for pre-order everywhere. For those of you that might prefer online retail to the more traditional brick and mortar, we've included a list of links to some popular retailers below (we'll add additional international retail links here as they become available).

We're also making available the newest official artwork from the game that was featured in last week's announcement. Grab ?Beach Weather? from the Rockstar Downloads page and look for much, much more to be revealed - including the Game Informer cover story later this week as well as an update on the release of the next official trailer.
Fonte: Rockstar Games
Última edição por NikoTuga em terça jan 30, 2024 5:26 am, editado 2 vezes no total.
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Por RoamPT
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Para quem se encontra lá fora podem fazer a pre-order do jogo aqui:

Rockstar Warehouse: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3
GameStop: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3
Best Buy: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3
Walmart: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3

EB Games: Xbox 360 |PlayStation 3
Best Buy: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3
FutureShop: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3

GAME: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3
Play: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3
Zavvi: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3
HMV: Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3

A Rockstar vai adiconar pelo website deles também novos links internacionais para a pre-order assim que eles estiverem disponíveis.
Última edição por RoamPT em segunda nov 05, 2012 10:48 pm, editado 1 vez no total.

A Rockstar Games anunciou que, a partir de 4 de ma[…][…][…]

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