Grand Theft Auto no geral.
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Por NikoTuga
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The technology behind L.A. Noire's facial animation is being looked into further by Rockstar Games. It's an interesting thought as relations between Rockstar and Team Bondi have deteriorated in the months following the release of L.A. Noire. Rockstar cannot deny the success of MotionScan though, the technology captures an actors face as they perform and transfers it directly into the game.

Brendan McNamara, co-founder and president of Team Bondi was asked about MotionScan and how Rockstar were considering using it in some of their upcoming franchises; including Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne.

Brendan had this to say:

    "Yeah, I think they're looking at it for every game. As much as LA Noire is a huge game, Grand Theft Auto is incredibly huge, so you've got all the problems of how big the cast would be and how many lines would you have to record and all that kind of stuff. Obviously we'd like them to, and they're more than welcome to use MotionScan, but if they decide it's not right for that and want to use it for another game, then that's fine too. Rockstar will make those decisions. They generally make the right decisions in terms of what they do for their games."

L.A. Noire was indeed a huge game, filling three DVD discs to capacity. Would more discs be welcomed for the chance to use MotionScan in a Grand Theft Auto game? Would lifelike performances subtract from GTA's satirical pull? If you're bursting with questions like we are, feel free to post some comments of your own.

Brendan McNamara will go into more detail in the latest issue of PSM3, which is coming out this week.
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Por ptkamikaz
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Nas cutscenes era brutal, nos movimentos dos bonecos também mas olha que mesmo nos peds ficava um detalhe giro :tongue: imagina passares por um ped na rua e o gajo diz-te 'fuck you' ou assim, agora imagina a boca do gajo a mexer perfeitinho a dizer aquilo \m/ brutalissimo!!
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