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Por vinicius3232
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Pode ser boato, ou verdade, mas li isso e fiquei intrigado:

"Holy crap, I knew this would happened! I've only just bought myself an X360, barely hopping on the bandwagon as it were, and now they're already making a new Xbox console. Wait, wait. Don't jump to any conclusions here. So far, this is in the vicious rumor category. According to a mole at Microsoft (coming from the latest issue of gaming mag EGM), "a secret first party sequel is already being worked on for the next Xbox console." The game "was originally planned for the Xbox 360, but was recently moved over to the next Xbox console."

If this is true, it really wouldn't be that hard to make a guess. Hm, let's see, just off the top of my head, I'd say Halo 4 or Mass Effect 2.

Whatever, now I'm really pissed off. Anybody wanna buy a new, mint condition, 360?"

Fonte: Action Trip[…] NOT[…][…][…]

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