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Por RoamPT
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No 1º vídeo na última parte em que aquele foi atropelado, o gajo foi muito burro, então a ver o carro, porque viu-se ele a olhar e depois começou a correr, mete-se assim na estrada  :salut:
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Steering wheel failure causes this bus crashing into parked cars (inside view)


LOL, Oooooooooooooohhhh Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, oh my god.
O outro toto: please let me out, please let me out.
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Não é bem um acidente.  ^^

Última edição por VIP3R em terça jul 08, 2008 11:48 pm, editado 1 vez no total.
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Bank robbery chase and crash caught on tape: Surveillance video:July 03/08: A police chase in Portland, Oregon took a violent turn when the suspect's truck veered into oncoming traffic and struck two vehicles Thursday (7/3).

Police were chasing a bank robbery suspect on Interstate 205 when one of them did a pit maneuver on the truck to make the driver stop. The truck veered sideways but instead of stopping, the driver drove across the grassy median and into oncoming traffic.

The suspect's truck hit a vehicle and the back of a semi truck's trailer before coming to a stop. Police cruisers surrounded the suspect's truck.

The driver got out of the truck and was taken into custody. Traffic on the interstate was diverted so police could clear away the smashed vehicle.

Authorities say the suspect and the driver he hit suffered minor injuries.

sgoten- os gajos poem-se a fazer slides e armar em expertos e da nisso, olha check o video seguinte.

E a maioria deve ser assim. lol
Última edição por VIP3R em quinta jul 10, 2008 12:27 am, editado 1 vez no total.

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