- quinta set 04, 2008 1:32 am
As we saw before, in the Portuguese hood, it exist a ped who call Nico "fucking cagalhão*". Many rumors started because of this in Portuguese GTA fans... Very people said the Americans don't know the difference between a Portuguese and a Brazilian or and pseudo-Portuguese, because no one Portuguese said in his life "fucking cagalhão", it's stupid!
Well, I think R* make this on purpose, but not whit us language... One day, I was playing GTA III (same city...) and a ped called me "signor** dickhead". @_@ So, I think R* like to play whit foreign languages... I can't think in a Italian man in America saying "signor dickead", or even in their own country.
Do you know about other mistakes or jokes with foreign laguages in GTA?
Whatever, let's use this topic for talking about "our" hood too...
*cagalhão: "Piece of shit" in Portuguese
**signor: "Mister" in Italian
As we saw before, in the Portuguese hood, it exist a ped who call Nico "fucking cagalhão*". Many rumors started because of this in Portuguese GTA fans... Very people said the Americans don't know the difference between a Portuguese and a Brazilian or and pseudo-Portuguese, because no one Portuguese said in his life "fucking cagalhão", it's stupid!
Well, I think R* make this on purpose, but not whit us language... One day, I was playing GTA III (same city...) and a ped called me "signor** dickhead". @_@ So, I think R* like to play whit foreign languages... I can't think in a Italian man in America saying "signor dickead", or even in their own country.
Do you know about other mistakes or jokes with foreign laguages in GTA?
Whatever, let's use this topic for talking about "our" hood too...
*cagalhão: "Piece of shit" in Portuguese
**signor: "Mister" in Italian
Última edição por RickyLopes em quinta set 04, 2008 1:33 am, editado 1 vez no total.