Discussão geral sobre SA-MP e suporte.

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Por RoamPT
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Kalcor Escreveu: I'm happy to announce that SA-MP 0.3c is now in development and we have some long requested features on the way.

Colour Embedding

Servers can now format messages to contain embedded colours in chat text.


The colour embedding also works in 3D Text labels and dialogs.



The return of custom license plates

The car license plate system has been redesigned and now every vehicle in the game can have a custom license plate. The license plate text can also contain embedded colours.


Server control of vehicle engines, lights, car alarms, boots, bonnets, door locking.

The server can now take full control of the vehicle's engine and lights, meaning they can be conditionally enabled or prevented from being turned on. We also added server control over the boot, bonnet and car alarm.


Particle objects

New object IDs have been added which can be used to create particles. These use the same functions as normal server objects, so they can be worked in with existing streamers. There are over 80 different particle types available which is all the available particle types in GTA: San Andreas. I know there are quite a few servers that want to get their fire departments working, so here is an example of a house fire created on the server with particle objects:


Stunting primitives and additional objects

Thanks to Matite and co. over at GamerX server, SA-MP 0.3c will include some new object IDs which can be used as additional stunting objects for mappers. These include tubes, curved roads, new ramps etc.



And, since there is still time before release, we've got a few more features planned for SA-MP 0.3c that we'll announce at a later date. So stay tuned.
Tópico Original: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=187756

Mais uma, vamos poder criar os nossos próprios objectos para uso no servidor. AWESOME!
Última edição por RoamPT em sexta nov 05, 2010 1:54 am, editado 1 vez no total.
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Por RoamPT
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E a de criares os teus próprios objectos e texturas para o jogo? Assim vai podes explorar o teu lado criativo uNi, tal como eu o vou fazer!
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Por uNi
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Onde viste isso? Ali diz que eles adicionaram novos objectos default. Porque o limite do .IPL permite uns quantos objectos extra, não muitos. O que parece é que ao instalares o novo SA-MP eles adicionam esses objectos novos das pics e editam os .IPL mais nada.
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Por RoamPT
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Matite;898195 Escreveu:Yes you can create your own objects.

Look in my signature for info on how to do it (I did all the hard work for you collecting the info into one spot and filtering the crap).


For people asking about the release date or beta etc, please stop it. Just wait. Don't send stupid emails to the SAMP team address... you want them to waste time checking silly emails???

Be patient.

Por Element
Adorei a parte do incendio, isso para RP uff parte-te todo.

"Particle objects

New object IDs have been added which can be used to create particles. These use the same functions as normal server objects, so they can be worked in with existing streamers. There are over 80 different particle types available which is all the available particle types in GTA: San Andreas. I know there are quite a few servers that want to get their fire departments working, so here is an example of a house fire created on the server with particle objects:"

Muito bom Roam, sabes quando vai ser libertada?
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Por ViRuXe
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SA-MP 0.3c will include some new object IDs which can be used as additional stunting objects for mappers.
Isto foi o que eu li. Não diz nada acerca de meter os nossos próprios objectos.
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Por RoamPT
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RoamPT Escreveu:
Matite;898195 Escreveu:Yes you can create your own objects.

Look in my signature for info on how to do it (I did all the hard work for you collecting the info into one spot and filtering the crap).


For people asking about the release date or beta etc, please stop it. Just wait. Don't send stupid emails to the SAMP team address... you want them to waste time checking silly emails???

Be patient.

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Por xpLodeR
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BRUTAL! Poder abrir a mala,o capot... excelente....

E depois o fogo... lindo! QUe saia e rapido
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Por uNi
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Nice, usa o método de um file externo para carregar objectos, só falta saber o limite.

Ainda assim é client-side... o pessoal tem que substituir o SAMP.IDE a mesma, não foge muito da maneira actual de usar o modding no SA-MP.
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Por vinicius3232
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uNi Escreveu: Nice, usa o método de um file externo para carregar objectos, só falta saber o limite.

Ainda assim é client-side... o pessoal tem que substituir o SAMP.IDE a mesma, não foge muito da maneira actual de usar o modding no SA-MP.
entao agora os modelos que faziamos em 3d,uni pode ser colocados agora?

A Rockstar Games anunciou que, a partir de 4 de ma[…]



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